Price Increase

I’ve had to make the difficult decision to increase hosting and domain name prices by 20%.   This is the first time that I’ve increased hosting prices for over ten years, and I’m sorry to add to everyone’s spiralling costs, but unfortunately the spiralling costs are affecting Ethical Internet too.

My main supplier for server space has recently increased their charges to me by over 200%, and I’m afraid that this means that I can no longer offer hosting accounts with unlimited space.

As customers renew, the new standard hosting account will have 4GB of space, which is plenty for several wordpress websites and a couple of moderately sized email boxes.   Upgrades for extra server space will be possible for an extra charge.

One reason why server space has suddenly got so much more expensive is the move to SSDs instead of hard disks for storage.   SSDs are much faster, but are smaller and more expensive.  Another reason for spiralling hosting costs is of course the huge increase in the price of electricity.

I’ll review prices again in a year’s time.  It would be nice if prices were now fixed for another ten years, but I can’t promise that, the way things currently are!

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