All our new and recent cpanel hosting accounts can now have free SSL certificates, using the Let’s Encrypt system, to enable your site to run over https and get the green “secure padlock” sign in visitors’ browsers. In your Cpanel control panel, just head down to the section headed Security then click on Let’s Encrypt to set up your SSL certificate for your domain. Click on +Issue and then on the next screen, the ‘Issue’ button, to create and install your new SSL certificate.
If you are running a WordPress website, the images you previously uploaded will still be served from their ‘http’ address, meaning that pages with images won’t have the https secure padlock showing in the browser. You can fix this easily by installing* and activating the ‘Really Simple SSL’ plugin in your wordpress website, which will also redirect visitors to the https version of your site.
*As always, before installing or updating any plugin, make sure that you have a full and up to date backup of your website files and database before proceeding – this is normal good practice, as recommended by
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